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Open Space Commission Minutes 12/08/2016

In Attendance: Diana Atwood Johnson, Peter Cable, George James, Mary Stone, Amanda Blair, Evan Griswold, Gary Gregory. Bill Dunbar, Bruce Baratz

Evan has walked with Jamie Bastian on Champlain South where there turned out to be  no invasives. George has walked with Jamie as well.

Jamie Bastian introduced himself. He received a degree in Environmental Science from University of Michigan with a focus on aquatic ecosystems. Worked for Fish & Wildlife, as a park ranger, and various other projects.

Minutes approved for November 18, 2016 Peter, Evan, All Approved

Property Update: Emailed Steve Ames our disappointment over not being able to meet his offer to us. Diana has spoken to Butch Foster previously about, again, our inability to meet their financial needs. Diana did speak to Bonnie about possibilities with Park and Rec. New town attorney has been contacted by the Kus family’ attorney. No action appears necessary
Trail Maintenance. Town will be sending a new employee at public works department to school to be certified as a forester. The lines of communication will be more direct, from the land steward to head of public works. The town will make decisions as to whether they will take down trees or hire a professional. George will pass on weed whacker to Jamie Bastian.

Planning Commission proposal regarding changes to POCD: Plannning Commission has sent out a proposal to various boards, commissions, agencies, etc., and there will be a public hearing on January 12. Diana will send out the proposal, which is similar to what she provided before. Commission members would like to understand more what it is that requires a change to the POCD now.

Proposed 2017 Budget Discussion: Land Steward expenses to be revised based on new steward and our experience with Lisa. Also proposed is putting $$ in budget for the writing of an Open Space Plan. Now that the State’s Green Plan will be issued and in anticipation of the 2020 revision required to our plan of conservation and development.
Perhaps it should include a questionnaire like the Planning Commission did 20 years ago.

Amanda, Peter, Gary and Evan have volunteered to work on a plan of education regarding the Town’s Open Spaces, and with and in the schools. Gary could talk to the Superintendent. CT Audubon’s Roger Tory Peterson Estuary group, through Eleanor Robinson, is also teaching in the schools. Mary knows what is going on there too.

Other Business:

A discussion was held regarding forest harvesting, management plans, etc. The Commission will look into this in the coming year.

Wetlands Commission has reviewed Corsino property division where 6 acres are going to the Old Lyme Land Trust.

Concern was expressed over a recent house built in the Eklund Pond area. Diana will bring map next time. There is dirt being hauled down to DEEP. Is it so they can replace the roof safely or for the railroad?

Some of Howard Tooker’s property – 10.7 acres is being acquired by OLLT. Then the Lay property can be accessed through town property.

A discussion was held on properties previously listed of interest to the OLOSC.

Meeting adjourned @ 10:45.

Diana Atwood Johnson, Chair.